For the statistics that were shown in the surveys that we handed out to 30 different people, I then made a pie chart for each question to come to a conclusion of things like which brand was favoured and so on.

Most of the people that I surveyed for this questionnaire were aged from 15-17. Coming not far behind that were people aged from 18-21. Not so many people were aged from 22-25 and no one at all that I surveyed was aged 26 or over.
From this question, as I result I got a very different mixture of votes for each programme that is listed. Many of the people that I had asked had voted for another channel which was not listed on this question. Apart from that, the most watched programme which is listed on this question was E4, this is understandable as E4 appeals to majority of the people who are aged between 15-35. This survey also shows us that BBC 2 and Channel 5 are the least watched channels, I think this is because they have the least appealing programme on these channels, and that they are generally for people over the age of 35.
This question shows that almost everyone enjoys a comedy as this got the most votes. Science Fiction and Documentaries are the least favourite, I think that this is due to these types of films being less interesting and appealing to majority of the people who I asked, and that they do not phase many people that are aged between 15-35.
As I guessed, people do watched set programmes daily. For the people who had said yes, I asked them why. The answers that came up the most were Eastenders and Hollyoaks. For the people who do not watch set programmes daily, i asked them if they still watch television for at least an hour a day and most of them do, but a mixture of programmes each day.
The Inbetweeners was proven the most watched programme on E4 by people aged between 15-21, Hollyoaks then coming in second was the next most watched programme on E4. Where as quite a few people still said that they watch E4, just not the programmes which were listed in the question.
This question tells us that most people preferred the ident from E4 which was of the beach scene, the E4 hotel room ident was still liked, just not as much as the beach one. Majority of the people who liked the E4 beach ident was mainly girls. This could say that they like outdoor activities or that they will prefer to be on the beach than in a hotel room indoors.
Seeing as the people we asked for this question were aged between 15-21, most of them said that Dubstep was their favoured type of music to listen to. I think that this is because Dubstep is a well known genre out at the moment and its fairly new to people nowadays because it is a different type of music which has recently been welcomed onto the market, especially because the people are young that we have surveyed, they were more likely to pick Dubstep as their favourite music.
As you can tell, Topshop was the favoured brand out of the five others. Both male and females favoured Topshop over any other brand there. I asked them to write down which brand that they liked the most and which they shopped at. I did not give them an option, these are the brands which they chose.
From this questionnaire, we have got the result of Twitter being the most used social network site. Facebook being the next one, and the rest not as used.
The Olympics 2012 advert was shown as the most favoured advert out of the two. Nearly 3/4 of the people chose this advert. both of these adverts had come out at the same time, the start of the summer 2012. I asked a few people as to why they thought this, they said that they preferred the Olympics 2012 advert as it was much more eye-catching and that they liked how it was animated. - e4 beach i dent -e4 hotel ident advert advert
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